So, here we go...
I've been on a Stargate kick lately (mainly because my husband has been watching Stargate: Atlantis each night before bed, and I'm the kind of person that sits up and watches the tv unless it gets turned off, the episode ends, or I am DOG tired) and I wanted to talk about my favorite character from Atlantis.
Now, those of you who watch the show (not sure if any of you do, but IF) you'll be surprised to know that my favorite character is NOT John Sheppard, although he is a very worthy candidate. No, my favorite character is none other than this guy:
Dr. Carson Beckett.
Maybe it's the accent, maybe it's the hair, maybe it's his quiet, nervous, a little bit dorky demeanor. But he is super Man Candy worthy to me.
Paul McGillion
January 5, 1969
(seriously? I need to get some younger guys on here)
Paisley, Scotland, UK
Vancouver, Canada
Relationship Status:
Married to Courtney Armstrong
Interesting Facts:
Shares his birthday with co-star Joe Flannigan
Was rumored to be considered for the role of Scotty in the new Star Trek movie and has a small role in the film as the barracks leader (who assigns the crew to their ships)
Notable Roles:
Stargate Atlantis
Currently on the show Once Upon a Time
What do you think?
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