
Friday, April 13, 2012

Natalie: 8 Months!

Dear Natalie,

This update is going to be a little late considering by the time I am posting this you are actually almost 9 months old, but I can't skip a month so here we go! Your eighth month FLEW by, and it seems like I write these posts WAY too often!


Your appointment at the end of February went very well! You were a very good girl for your vaccinations, and I added the results of your height and weight so that they are now accurate! Your next appointment isn't until MAY! Goodness, I guess they feel you are doing so well that they don't need to see you unless it's an emergency!


Weight -

Birth: 4 lbs 0 oz
1 mo: 5 lbs 13 oz
2 mo: 8 lbs 3.5 oz
3 mo: 10 lbs
4 mo: 13 lbs
5 mo: 12 lbs 13 oz
6 mo: 14 lbs 4 oz
7 mo: 15 lbs 2 oz
8 mo: 15 lbs 3 oz

Length -

Birth: 18 1/4 in
2 mo: 20 1/2 in
3 mo: 21 in
4 mo: 22 1/2 in
5 mo: 24 1/2 in
6 mo: 24 1/2 in
7 mo: 25 in
8 mo: 25 3/4 in

You are still drinking 3-4 8 oz bottles a day. You are using the medium flow nipples like a champ, and you are still eating very well!

We added to the list of solid foods and stepped you up to stage 2 foods! So far from the new flavors we have added:

Macaroni and Cheese and Vegetables
Pears and Pinapple mix

So far no allergies! You really love the macaroni and cheese and we are moving on to meat tonight!

You are still sleeping SO well! You are just the best little girl in the world, I don't know how you do it! (And I know, I'm probably biased because I'm your Momma, but seriously - could I have it any easier??)

You are still in between sizes. You are starting to grow out of some of your 3 month clothes, and some of the 6 month clothes and 3-6 month clothes are starting to fit you pretty well. Most are still a little too big.

The doctor says the bumps on your skin is just due to the fact that your skin is really sensitive. And he said that should go away with time.

You are now officially a "sitter"! You can sit up all on your own without any help, and you are also now putting ALL of your weight on your feet and standing up! Now, you can't stand up on your own, and your still working on getting from laying to sitting on your own, but you're getting there! And if we stand you up, you can pretty much stay there if you are holding on to something for over a minute! Of course, Momma or Daddy is right there to catch you just in case, but mostly you don't need it!

You took your first trip to the park just a few days ago and you had so much fun! We took you down a few slides, but mostly you just watched your cousin play.

We also dressed you up for St. Patty's Day and you looked so cute! Your first little sundress!

I hope this next month is just as exciting as this past month was! And that it goes by SLOWER!!

Momma and Daddy love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow!

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